miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

[DPS Class] Contributions WEEK 8

Last week, the members of the cluster team did a work meeting. We talked about the importance of join our efforts to build only one cluster instead of work separately in small groups.

We decided the specifications of each computer that are in cluster:
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 10.04 64bits
  • User: cluster
  • Password: (1)
Also, we did the schedule of the activities that we need to do to configure the cluster.
  1. Install all the software and packages.
  2. Configure VPN.
  3. Configure a computing grid.
In a second stage, we are going to integrate a website, where will be possible to upload the tasks, which will be validated, executed and processed by the cluster, and at the final we can download the results, maybe in a compressed file.
This task will be done by Emmanuel, with some tools like:
  1. Apache, PHP
  2. Ruby on Rails
  3. Configure a computing grid.

I think this was necessary. Now we are working together and I hope that the results are even more significant than before.

  • Cecy Urbina: Because she remains active in exam weeks
  • Roberto Martinez: Because he remains active in exam weeks
  • Rafael Lopez: Because he participate actively in the meeting, distributing task and clarifying doubts.

(1): Check the Google Document posted in our Facebook page to check this information. (Security :P)

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